In 1990 I was working in Public Relations and had been doing so for some years.
Whilst I was organising Events and Evenings in AQUAFAN and at the club PARADISO
I received an unexpected telephone call. I was asked to get together a group of women to make a video clip for Lucio Dalla.
“Interesting and fun” I thought and full of enthusiasm and a certain naivety I went to the appointment with the Production Team.The Director explained the Scenario, to me and made clear what he wanted: I had to find three hundred fifty good looking women all size 8 or 10 for the costumes which were ready for the scene. A moment of total bewilderment, and I throw myself wholeheartedly into the search.
After a few days, a big circus tent is erected on the beach in Ricccione.
Three Undred Fifty women all perfectly dressed in their short white skirts and blouses follow me on to the set where they are choreographed to wave their arms, high above their heads to the strains of Lucio Dalla’s hit “Attenti al Lupo”.
Vania Arcangeli story
It was considered a huge success…
and for me it was the beginning of a new adventure!!
Soon after, this passion took on an official form with the creation of DOC (Donne di Origine Controllata [Authentic Women]) together with the scriptwriter Edda Valentini I open the first Agency in Romagna serving Cinema, Advertising and Television: a service offering production, casting and location.
From that moment on, I have had the fortune to work alongside Great Professionals, Directors and Producers who have shown great faith in me, trusting me with important assignments in:
movies, TV advertising, videoclips and TV programs
I gain precious experience learning on the job and become an important point of reference for all the Production Teams who come to film in Emilia Romagna. Registered at the Film and Show Employment Agency as a Production Inspector, I am still working as a casting director and locations manager.
Another telephone call, a while ago, was yet again a font of surprise.
Martina Colombari decided to get married, and she asked me to help her to organise her Wedding. So that is how I found myself working with an important Wedding Planner Agency working on the Wedding of that wedding planner beautiful young woman who I saw being born… such wonderful impossible to describe emotions! From the frenetic choice of location and the casting of the hostesses that amazing fateful day finally arrived. A truly unforgettable day….and not just for the Bride and Groom!